Multigrain bread processing with extruded flours


  • María José Crosa Balestra Laboratorio Tecnológico del Uruguay
  • Hugo Tihista Centro de Industriales Panaderos del Uruguay
  • María Inés Próspero Panadera contratada del Centro de Industriales Panaderos del Uruguay
  • Mónica Cadenazzi Consultor Estadístico
  • Laura Souto Laboratorio Tecnológico del Uruguay
  • Ana Curutchet Laboratorio Tecnológico del Uruguay
  • Verónica Ferreyra Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Industrial
  • Gabriela Suburú Laboratorio Tecnológico del Uruguay
  • Jorge Escudero Cooperativa Agraria Nacional



Quality multigrain bread, bread process, composite flours


The effect in bread quality of a new bread making process and two replacement levels (20%, 36%) of refined wheat flour by extrusion precooked prepared based on combination of oats, soybeans and wheat bran was studied. Composite flour was characterized according to its functional properties (water absorption index), grain size and nutritional properties (protein, total fiber, soluble fiber, ash, fat). The volume, whiteness index, rheological measurements (hardness, cohesiveness, springiness and chewiness) of the bread were monitored. No significant changes were recorded in hardness, elasticity and chewiness of bread according to the level of substitution of composite flour; bread with 36% substitution was 7% less cohesive, with 27% less volume bread with 20% substitution. The process conditions caused greatest impact on the quality of bread. The new process resulted in a 37% increase in volume, 6% elasticity, 15% of cohesiveness and 44% decrease in hardness and 34% in chewiness, compared to the traditional process. This trend continued in the four days following the date of processing. The substitution level of composite flour did not cause significant changes in hardness, elasticity and chewiness of bread, but changes were observed in cohesiveness and volume. Bread with 36% substitution was 7% less cohesive, with 27% less volume than the 20% substitution.


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How to Cite

Crosa Balestra, M. J., Tihista, H., Próspero, M. I., Cadenazzi, M., Souto, L., Curutchet, A., Ferreyra, V., Suburú, G., & Escudero, J. (2014). Multigrain bread processing with extruded flours. INNOTEC, (9 ene-dic), 61–69.




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