Potatoes chips, vacuum frying and health profits


  • María José Crosa Gerencia de Proyectos Alimentarios. Laboratorio Tecnológico del Uruguay
  • Marta Elichalt Escuela de Nutrición - UDELAR
  • Verónica Skerl Gerencia de Proyectos Alimentarios. Laboratorio Tecnológico del Uruguay
  • Mónica Cadenazzi Consultor Estadístico
  • Laura Olazábal Desarrollo de métodos analíticos. Laboratorio Tecnológico del Uruguay
  • Roberto Silva Laboratorio de Cereales y Oleaginosos, Gerencia de Análisis y Ensayos. Laboratorio Tecnológico del Uruguay
  • Gabriela Suburú Laboratorio de Cereales y Oleaginosos, Gerencia de Análisis y Ensayos. Laboratorio Tecnológico del Uruguay
  • Marina Torres Desarrollo de métodos analíticos. Laboratorio Tecnológico del Uruguay
  • Francisco Vilaró Programa Nacional de Investigación Hortícola. Instituto de Investigación Agropecuaria
  • Gabriel Estellano DETRICAR S.A.




Acrylamide, Color, Sensory acceptability


The new tendency of the consumers to eat healthier foods which has impacted the market has motivated the food industry to innovate in technologies. Vacuum frying is an alternative to traditional frying; it preserves the sensory properties of fried snacks and improves its nutritional quality.
The objective of this work is to study the nutritional and health benefits as well as the organoleptic characteristics of potato chips prepared by vacuum frying in relation to those made by traditional frying, and differentiate them from those that are currently present in the Uruguayan market.
The chips produced by vacuum frying had 61% less fat content and 90% less acrylamide than chips made by traditional frying. In sensory evaluation of chips, consumers gave both chips with good acceptance in all attributes but the perception of salt taste intensity.


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How to Cite

Crosa, M. J., Elichalt, M., Skerl, V., Cadenazzi, M., Olazábal, L., Silva, R., Suburú, G., Torres, M., Vilaró, F., & Estellano, G. (2014). Potatoes chips, vacuum frying and health profits. INNOTEC, (9 ene-dic), 70–74. https://doi.org/10.26461/09.09




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