Productos a base de jugo de manzana : aprovechamiento agroindustrial de un excedente


  • Diego Gioscia Departamento de Proyectos Agropecuarios, Laboratorio Tecnológico del Uruguay (LATU), Uruguay
  • Pablo Bentancurt Departamento de Proyectos Agropecuarios, Laboratorio Tecnológico del Uruguay (LATU), Uruguay
  • Julio Bentancor Departamento de Bebidas Fermentadas, Laboratorio Tecnológico del Uruguay (LATU), Uruguay
  • Patricia Arcia Departamento de Bebidas Fermentadas, Laboratorio Tecnológico del Uruguay (LATU), Uruguay



This is a technological proposal for finding ways to maximize the use of the increasing surplus of apples in the Uruguayan fruit growing industry. This paper is meant as a contribution to identify industrial alternatives, by developing a number of apple based products that may be used for internal consumption and also for export. The variety of apple being used is Malus domestica (its commercial name is Cripp`s Pink). Among the products on trial there were fermented and not fermented beverages, such as: apple juice with soda, dry cider, diluted carbonated cider, carbonated cider with no dilution, bottle fermented cider (Champenoise Method), apple liquor, and apple juice with a touch of ethyl alcohol. In all cases the elaboration process in the primary stages is similar, and in the following stages it gets more specific depending on the product being made. All the products were analyzed from a physicochemical and sensorial point of view. The results obtained have proved that it is technically possible to obtain very good products, and that there is a real possibility for industrialization. We expect to have shown different alternatives to solve an important problem in the fruit growing area and that we hope this may serve as a detonator for a constructive exchange among all the actors in the production area.


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How to Cite

Gioscia, D., Bentancurt, P., Bentancor, J., & Arcia, P. (2011). Productos a base de jugo de manzana : aprovechamiento agroindustrial de un excedente. INNOTEC, (3 ene-dic), 72–78.




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