Analysis of the variability of conventional mass error in the calibration of 5 kg, 10 kg and 20 kg weights with 1 kg arrays




weight calibration, reproducibility, compatibility indices, metrology, standard deviation


In this study, the standard deviations and error plots obtained from the measurement of five metrologists using different calibration arrays at nominal values of 5 kg, 10 kg and 20 kg of class F1 using 1 kg masses of class E2 were evaluated. Two arrays for 5 kg and three arrays for 10 kg and 20 kg were performed. Through compatibility index matrices, a reproducibility study was carried out for the different arrays with the respective nominal values. The results showed that, for the 5 kg weight, array 1 proved to be the most effective, showing a lower standard  deviation compared to array 2, suggesting less variability among metrologists. For the 10 kg weight, array 3 presented the lowest standard deviation, standing out as the most reproducible option. For the 20 kg calibrations, arrangement 2 was identified as the most recommended, presenting a lower standard deviation compared to arrangements 1 and 3. These findings highlight the importance of choosing the most appropriate weight arrangement for this type of calibration in this scope. In this way, reproducibility can be ensured in this type of measurement, assuring the quality and reliability of the measurement method used. 


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How to Cite

Quezada, K., Gracia, D. ., López, A., Díaz, J., Candelaria, A., & Aizpurua, E. (2024). Analysis of the variability of conventional mass error in the calibration of 5 kg, 10 kg and 20 kg weights with 1 kg arrays. INNOTEC, (28 jul-dic), e675.


