Implementation of a methodology for the analysis of glyphosate in honey by LC-MS/MS, using QuPPe for sample preparation


  • Florencia Jesús PDU Abordaje Holístico, CENUR Litoral Norte, Universidad de la República, Paysandú, Uruguay
  • Fiamma Pequeño Departamento de Química del Litoral, GACT, CENUR Litoral Norte, Universidad de la República, Paysandú, Uruguay
  • Natalia Gérez-García Cátedra de Farmacognosia y Productos Naturales, Departamento de Química Orgánica, GACT, Universidad de la República, Montevideo, Uruguay
  • Silvina Niell PDU Abordaje Holístico, CENUR Litoral Norte, Universidad de la República, Paysandú, Uruguay
  • María Verónica Cesio PDU Abordaje Holístico, CENUR Litoral Norte, Universidad de la República, Paysandú, Uruguay. Departamento de Química del Litoral, GACT, CENUR Litoral Norte, Universidad de la República, Paysandú, Uruguay. Cátedra de Farmacognosia y Productos Naturales, Departamento de Química Orgánica, GACT, Universidad de la República, Montevideo, Uruguay.
  • Horacio Heinzen Departamento de Química del Litoral, GACT, CENUR Litoral Norte, Universidad de la República, Paysandú, Uruguay. Cátedra de Farmacognosia y Productos Naturales, Departamento de Química Orgánica, GACT, Universidad de la República, Montevideo, Uruguay.



Polar pesticides, Extraction with Methanol, Ion exchange liquid chromatography, Tandem mass spectrometry


Honey as a natural food has a high quality standard. Nevertheless, honey production is performed together with agricultural activities. Pesticide residues have been detected in honey samples from various countries including Uruguay, sometimes exceeding their maximum residue limits (MRL). The implementation of a modern methodology for the analysis of glyphosate in honey is presented. The sample preparation method named QuPPe, involves extraction with methanol and was specifically developed for the analysis of polar pesticides, by ionic liquid chromatography coupled to a mass spectrometer (LC–MS/MS). Due to the particularities of the glyphosate molecule it can not be included in a multiresidue method. The evaluated and validated methodology was developed by the European Union Reference Laboratory for Single Residue Methods (EURL–SRM). In order to perform its validation, SANTE guidelines were followed, obtaining good results even at the European MRL in honey (0.050 mg kg-1). Real Uruguayan samples were analyzed finding glyphosate residues in some cases. The methodology is useful for quality control and safety assurance of honey regarding glyphosate residues.


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How to Cite

Jesús, F., Pequeño, F., Gérez-García, N., Niell, S., Cesio, M. V., & Heinzen, H. (2018). Implementation of a methodology for the analysis of glyphosate in honey by LC-MS/MS, using QuPPe for sample preparation. INNOTEC, (17 ene-jun), 66–77.




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