Potential of very low enthalpy geothermal energy of Uruguay for closed vertical collectors





renewable energy, shallow geothermal energy, heating and cooling buildings


Currently it is a clear worldwide trend to strengthen the energy transition, favoring the use and diversification of renewable, low-carbon and environmentally friendly energies. Wind, solar and biomass energy are the most common, but there are other sources, such as the shallow
geothermal energy. The latter takes advantage of the heat accumulated in the first meters of the subsoil for the heating and cooling of urban districts. This study presents the first map of shallow geothermal potential of Uruguay, for closed vertical collectors, based on the available geological and hydrogeological cartography and the German standard VDI 4640-2 (Verein Deutscher Ingenieure, 2019). The results indicate that Uruguay has a potential for medium to high heat extraction from rocks (greater than 40 W/m) in more than 60 % of its territory. This shallow geothermal energy potential could be used both for air-condition buildings and to provide thermal solutions to several of the activities carried out in the country (forestry,
paper mills, cereal crops, dairy farming, among others) or promote the development of new productive activities, because it is a continuous, efficient and environmentally friendly energy. 


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How to Cite

Dos Santos Lafuente, M., Alcoba Rodríguez, C. ., Morales, E., & Bello Cáceres, C. (2024). Potential of very low enthalpy geothermal energy of Uruguay for closed vertical collectors. INNOTEC, (28 jul-dic), e664. https://doi.org/10.26461/28.07


