Laboratory test of predation of exotic amphibian larvae by native fish: basis for the biological control of the bullfrog in Uruguay


  • Marcelo Iturburu Di Fiore Comité de Especies Exóticas Invasoras, Ministerio de Ambiente, Montevideo, Uruguay
  • Gustavo Saona Laboratorio de Bioensayos, Servicio de Evaluación de la Calidad y Control Ambiental, Intendencia de Montevideo, Montevideo, Uruguay
  • Ernesto Brugnoli Oceanografía y Ecología Marina, IECA, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de la República, Montevideo, Uruguay
  • José Guerrero Laboratorio de Desarrollo Sustentable y Gestión Ambiental del Territorio, IECA, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de la República, Montevideo, Uruguay



Aquarana catesbeiana, biological invasion, biomanipulation


The decline of amphibians is a current concern, with the presence of invasive alien species (IAS) being one of the main threats to biodiversity. In Uruguay, one of the IAS that
affects native biodiversity is the invasive exotic anuran Aquarana catesbeiana (bullfrog), invading more than 60 ponds in three locations. The present work proposes the analysis of the viability of biological control of bullfrog larvae, through the use of the native fish Rhamdia quelen (black catfish). A laboratory predation trial was carried out to evaluate whether it consumes the larvae of the exotic bullfrog and the native frog Leptodactylus luctator. Tadpoles in stages 24-26 (using Gosner’s criterion) of both species were exposed to direct predation and the number of larvae consumed by each R. quelen specimen was determined. Each fish preyed significantly on both species; however, the intensity was lower in exotic larvae (5 %) than in native larvae (70 %). The introduction of native fish species for biological control constitutes an opportunity in permanent water bodies where A. catesbeiana is well established. In an initial stage of the invasion process where there is the presence of other native species of amphibians, R. quelen would not serve for biocontrol, since it would eliminate the larvae of the native species, favouring the bullfrog.


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Author Biographies

Gustavo Saona, Laboratorio de Bioensayos, Servicio de Evaluación de la Calidad y Control Ambiental, Intendencia de Montevideo, Montevideo, Uruguay

Ernesto Brugnoli, Oceanografía y Ecología Marina, IECA, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de la República, Montevideo, Uruguay

José Guerrero, Laboratorio de Desarrollo Sustentable y Gestión Ambiental del Territorio, IECA, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de la República, Montevideo, Uruguay


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How to Cite

Iturburu Di Fiore, M., Saona, G., Brugnoli, E. ., & Guerrero, J. . (2024). Laboratory test of predation of exotic amphibian larvae by native fish: basis for the biological control of the bullfrog in Uruguay. INNOTEC, (27 ene-jun), e649.




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