Digitalization and robotization of gauge blocks calibration by mechanical comparison




Metrology, Metrology 4.0, software, dimensional, length


The process of calibration of ISO 3650 gauge blocks by mechanical comparison includes not only a significative demands on the stabilization of environmental conditions, but also a significant test time for the technician who operates the comparator and performs the calibration of each block. A recent development at Laboratorio Tecnológico del Uruguay (LATU), in its role of National Metrology Institute of Uruguay, allows the entire process to be autonomously carried out by means of a robotic system built with simple hardware components, and controlled by custom-made software to manage workflow and gauge block comparator actions. The software performs hardware control during the process, and automatic data acquisition of the environmental conditions as well as comparator readings. Finally, this software performs automatic data processing and calibration results with their associated uncertainty without any technician involvement. This work describes in detail the characteristics of the automated calibration system, the elements used for mechanical automation, its assembly and the software strategy used for system administration.


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Author Biography

Luis Pablo Constantino, Departamento de Metrología, Laboratorio Tecnológico del Uruguay (LATU). Montevideo, Uruguay

Metrólogo II - Responsable del área de Presión del departamento de Metrología científica del LATU


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How to Cite

Constantino, L. P., & Acquarone, A. (2020). Digitalization and robotization of gauge blocks calibration by mechanical comparison. INNOTEC, (21 ene-jun), 36–51.


