Sensitivity bioassays of the Cnesterodon decemmaculatus and Pimephales promelasin a series of samples of effluent and reference toxicant


  • Gustavo Saona Servicio de Evaluación de la Calidad y Control Ambiental, Intendencia de Montevideo
  • Agustín Carnikian Departamento de Aguas y Productos Químicos - Laboratorio Tecnológico del Uruguay, LATU
  • Martín Spósito Servicio de Evaluación de la Calidad y Control Ambiental, Intendencia de Montevideo
  • Patricia Baklayan Departamento de Aguas y Productos Químicos - Laboratorio Tecnológico del Uruguay, LATU
  • Julio Espínola Servicio de Evaluación de la Calidad y Control Ambiental, Intendencia de Montevideo



Bioassay, Cnesterodon decemmaculatus, Pimephales promelas, ecotoxicology, effluent, reference toxicant


This study compared the toxicological sensitivity quantified by the 50% lethal dose of acute toxicity bioassays of Cnesterodon decemmaculatusand Pimephales promelasin benchmark exposure to toxic industrial effluents, wastewater effluents and reference toxicants. At the same time, the toxicological sensitivity of C. decemmaculatusrelated to the size was assayed. Both species were analyzed with 16 bioassays mated by the same substance or compound and a good agreement rL= 0.75 was observed. No significant differences in the overall analysis for effluents and potassium dichromate appeared in toxicological analysis of sensitivity to size. In contrast, significant difference in sensitivity was observed in assays with sodium dodecyl sulfate. Previous studies of the acute bioassays of C. decemmaculatusas well as the results obtained in this work accredit the use of this species in the ecotoxicological evaluation.This work contributes to generate specific ecotoxicological tools employing a native species (C. decemmaculatus) and provides comparative information with an internationally accepted species used in reference bioassays (P. promelas). Progress of these studies as a priority research area will contribute to consolidate analytical tools, to develop professional skills and to strengthen institutions that manage the water resources in Uruguay.


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How to Cite

Saona, G., Carnikian, A., Spósito, M., Baklayan, P., & Espínola, J. (2015). Sensitivity bioassays of the Cnesterodon decemmaculatus and Pimephales promelasin a series of samples of effluent and reference toxicant. INNOTEC, (10 ene-dic), 49–55.


