Uncertainty analysis on pressure gauges calibrations according to DKD-R 6-1. Five calculation methods


  • Luis Pablo Constantino Laboratorio Tecnológico del Uruguay - Depto. de Metrología Científica.
  • Javier Ignacio Camacho VIA University College Denmark
  • Alejandro Acquarone Laboratorio Tecnológico del Uruguay - Depto. de Metrología Científica.




Metrology, Pressure, Pressure Balance, Uncertainty, Monte Carlo, Software, GUM, GUM Workbench, R, MCM Alchimia, Kragten, DKD-R 6-1


This paper focuses a study of the contributions of uncertainty and expanded uncertainty that take place in the calibration of a digital pressure gauge by direct comparison with a pressure balance. The work is performed based on GUM method, using analytical approach. Equation given by DKD-R 6-1 guideline for uncertainty analysis is discussed proposing an alternative model. It is aimed to determine the differences in the resulting uncertainty, according to the different platforms used, and how the standard uncertainty and assigned probability function (FDP) associated to different magnitudes of the model impact these differences.

The development will be performed according to the GUM framework using the analytical methodology. In addition to this, the exercise is repeated in a comparative basis, using four calculation tools. Two of them are based on numerical approaches of the classical method, GUM Workbench software© and Kragten method, and the rest are based on the Supplement 1 to the Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty of Measurement, in one case by mean of R language and the second one using MCM Alchimia, application developed by one of the authors.


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How to Cite

Constantino, L. P., Camacho, J. I., & Acquarone, A. (2014). Uncertainty analysis on pressure gauges calibrations according to DKD-R 6-1. Five calculation methods. INNOTEC, (9 ene-dic), 7–13. https://doi.org/10.26461/09.01


