Color development in dulce de leche-like system. Effect of heating time and pH


  • Analía Rodríguez Blanco Universidad de la República, Uruguay
  • Andrea Piagentini Instituto de Tecnología de Alimentos (FIQ-UNL), Santa Fe, Argentina.
  • Sergio Rozycki Instituto de Tecnología de Alimentos (FIQ-UNL), Santa Fe, Argentina.
  • Patricia Lema Instituto de Química, Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad de la República. Uruguay.
  • Miguel S. Pauletti Instituto de Tecnología de Alimentos (FIQ-UNL), Santa Fe, Argentina.
  • Luis Alberto Panizzolo Cátedra de Ciencia y Tecnología de los Alimentos, Facultad de Química, Universidad de la República, Uruguay.



Dulce de leche, Maillard, color, melanoidins


Color in dulce de leche is an important product attribute in consumers choice. Color development is mainly due to non-enzymatic browning reactions during the manufacture, which are influenced by several factors. In this work color development and the influence of technological variables, time of heat treatment and initial pH, were evaluated on a model system consisting of caseinate, lactose, sucrose and distilled water, which composition was similar to commercial dulce de leche. Color was studied using color parameters, the CIELAB system and the Kubelka Munk índex (K/S). Both methods showed a significant increase in dE*ab and K/S with heat treatment time and initial pH. The CIELAB system also showed a Luminance decreasement with time and initial pH increase, and a* increase with time.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez Blanco, A., Piagentini, A., Rozycki, S., Lema, P., Pauletti, M. S., & Panizzolo, L. A. (2013). Color development in dulce de leche-like system. Effect of heating time and pH. INNOTEC, (7 ene-dic), 38–42.




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