Elaboración de bebida energizante a partir de suero de quesería


  • Anahí Cuellas Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, Buenos Aire, Argentina
  • Jorge Wagner Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, Buenos Aire, Argentina




The feasibility to elaborate different products from whey of cheese was studied. The results showed that the development of an energy drink represents a simple process to obtain products of high added value and uses all serum components. Experimentally, the lactose was hydrolyzed to 80% and fruit drinks were made. These were evaluated by descriptive sensory tests, showing better organoleptic characteristics for orange-flavored drink. The microbiological analyses carried out in the milk drink were consistent with the values requested by the Argentine Food Code for milk UHT milk. We conclude that the development of the product has not technological difficulties, reduce environmental pollution and takes advantage of the nutritional value of the effluent.


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How to Cite

Cuellas, A., & Wagner, J. (2011). Elaboración de bebida energizante a partir de suero de quesería. INNOTEC, (5 ene-dic), 54–57. https://doi.org/10.26461/05.09


