About the Journal

INNOTEC is an open-access journal peer-reviewed by a committee of external reviewers and edited by the Technological Laboratory of Uruguay (LATU).  The journal includes original unpublished articles and its frequency is biannual (January-June and July-December) under an ongoing publication basis. 

The journal's aims are to disseminate and transfer knowledge in the areas of Forestry, Environment, Metrology and Food Technology.  INNOTEC is addressed to scholars, researchers and technicians of the Uruguayan and international scientific community.

Webpage: https://ojs.latu.org.uy/index.php/INNOTEC/index

(ISSN from the printed version already closed 1688-3691 | ISSN on line 1688-6593)

Its title’s abbreviation is Innotec which should be used in literature, footnotes, notices and literature references. 

This page uses standardized metadata systems OAI-PMH, Dublin Core and MARC are harvested by other portals.

It is indexed at:

Directory of Open Access Journals DOAJ

Database Academic Search Premier of EBSCOhost

Sistema Regional de Información en línea para Revistas Científicas de América Latina, El Caribe, España y Portugal  Latindex

Scientific Information System Redalyc Scientific Journals Network Redalyc

REDIB. Platform for open-access scientific and academic content created in Ibero- American space

We are members of:

Asociación Uruguaya de Revistas Académicas AURA



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Articles published as of 2012 are under the following license:



This work is under license Creative Commons  Attribution- NonCommercial  4.0 International.

Articles published until 2011, inclusive are found under license:

Attribution NonCommercial – No derivatives works

This work is under license Creative Commons Attribution- NonCommercial-No Derivatives works 3.0 Unported

LATU editorial policy

The purpose of the editorial activity at the Technological Laboratory of Uruguay (LATU) is to disseminate research that supports the development of technologies and management practices that add value to innovation processes in the Uruguayan academic and professional community.


Our mission is to publish original works focusing on accuracy and theoretical and methodological quality that contribute to the systematic production of new scientific and technological knowledge and to strengthen Uruguayan participation in regional and international networks.  LATU is interested in consolidating the scientific documentation field locally by creating and innovating editorial products.

The main objectives are:

  • To promote the publication of excellent investigations regarding LATU’s strategic areas of knowledge aligned with its mission as a driver of the country´s sustainable development, and its international integration through innovation.
  • To position authors, technicians and contributors in international electronic platforms, stimulating their participation within the framework of a peer-reviewed editing process.
  • To contribute to the development and transfer of innovation technologies aimed at improving industrial, business and social processes.
  • To provide and disseminate quality scientific knowledge to technicians, scholars, researchers and society as a whole, both for the effective transmission of experiences and for professional growth.
  • Promote the exchange and creation of new knowledge among the institutions.

INNOTEC code of ethics

INNOTEC Journal is subjected to the principles published by  COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) and therefore, promotes the ethical behavior of all the participants of the editorial process: authors, reviewers and editorial team.

Plagiarism and self-plagiarism detection policy

When the Editor’s Committee believes that a submission is of interest to the journal, Crossref is used to check the originality of the manuscripts received.

It is understood by plagiarism:
• To submit someone’s else paper as your own.
• To use words or ideas from other authors without due acknowledgement.
• Do not use brackets or another distinctive format in a literal quote.
• Provide wrong information on the true source of the quotation.
• Paraphrasing a source without mentioning the source.
• Abusive paraphrasing even if the source is mentioned.
It is understood as self-plagiarism:
• Modify a paper’s appearance and submit it as if it were a different paper.
• Omit to mention that the paper is being recycled.

Should any plagiarism be discovered at any stage, the assessment process is suspended and thus, the contribution is rejected. The author is notified why its contribution was rejected.

 Authors are committed to:

-Submit original articles of her or his authorship, and which do not infringe intellectual property rights and/or image rights and/or personal data of third parties, and that are unpublished, and which have not been submitted simultaneously to another publication.

- To ensure the reliability of the data submitted in their research.

- To ensure the integrity of their research and to avoid the publication of partial results.

-To appoint authors according to the level of intellectual responsibility they have had in the composition of the article, in decreasing order, without any other hierarchical criteria.

-To appoint a mailing author who assumes responsibility for disseminating the progress and results of the editorial process to all the authors.

-To duly identify the original sources of the papers referred to in the article.

-Review the background of other researchers in the immediate theoretical field of their paper in order to provide the most up-to-date and relevant information.

-Acknowledge the scholary financial and logistical support that made the research and/or the composition of the article possible.

 The reviewers are committed to:

- Declare that there are no conflicts of interest for the assessment of an article.

-Assess the article according to objective criteria and respect their scholary independence. 

-Ensure confidentiality of both the content of the article and the result of the assessment.

-Safeguard the anonymity throughout the whole process relying on the editor as an intermediary when any communication with the authors is required.  

-Comply with the deadlines agreed with the journal’s editors for the completion of their work.

 The editorial’s team is committed to:

-Ensure honesty and transparency throughout the editorial process from the article submission, and peer review to the publication under the conditions established.

-Select the most suitable reviewers for each paper.

-Ensure the criterion independence of the reviewers when playing their role.

-Ensure the anonymity of all the parties involved in the peer review.

-Moderate possible conflicts of interest with the support of the editorial Council.

-Ensure compliance with the deadlines agreed at each stage of the process.

-Disseminate the numbers published in the scholarly networks and literature databases locally and regionally.

-Monitor the compliance with the requirements by the authors, and the performance aligned with the peer reviewers.

-Identify cases of non-compliance with the ethical commitments listed in this code and apply penalties ranging from the suspension of the offender from his or her role in the editorial process to the dissemination of a public rectification and the removal of the article.

Rejection Rate

The journal’s rejection rate within the period 2021-2022 is 13% based on what is set forth in the editorial activity statistics, OJS.

Publication process